How does it work

SpecialSMS is quick and easy to use and totally free. SpecialSMS is the new way to send and receive messages. Use it instead of the boring program to view incoming messages and with all the same functions. When you receive the SpecialSMS messages it tells you if it is a special message or a normal text. You can then view the special message or the text will be displayed in a new captivating screen with animation and background music. With SpecialSMS you can send messages with background image, music, colored scrolling text and animated images. You can choose up to 31 animated images, 6 background images, 18 colors to color the background and your scrolling text, 10 music tracks. Its screen is intuitive and easy to use: make your choices and send the message to the chosen number. The sent message is automatically formatted to be recognized by SpecialSMS. Invite your friends and acquaintances to use SpecialSMS and sending and receiving messages becomes a new and special way to communicate with each other. And if you have a lot to say, if you have an internet connection, you can write and send real letters to your friends. Supported languages ​​are: Italian, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

How to have specialsms

Specialsms is compatible with android systems 1.6 and above and you can find it on google play. For the future, versions compatible with IOS and BlackBerry are being worked on. Periodically connect to our page to see the new versions